john paul

Saint John Paul II

Eucharistic Adoration

Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago

Sanctification of persons, families and parish communities through growth in deeper prayer before our Eucharistic Lord.


       Adoration News!

New Eucharistiic Videos6/12/2024
A new weries of videos that will inspire you and others to a love of our Eucharistic Lord.

National Eucharistic Revival6/19/2022
On a mission to rekindle Catholics’ relationship with Jesus Christ through the Eucharist, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched the National Eucharistic Revival.

7 Stages of Eucharistic Adoration6/18/2019
Whether we call it Eucharistic Adoration or Holy Hour, the time we spend with the Eucharistic Lord in Adoration offers many graces. Often, however, it is difficult to discern a clear plan of action. We might wonder if we are to wait for inspiration, use some formal format of prayer, or simply sit and wait with Him.

Typical new US priest: ... takes part in Eucharistic adoration5/7/2019
The typical ordinand regularly took part in Eucharistic adoration and prayed the Rosary before entering seminary, according to the survey.

Pope Francis: Let us rediscover Eucharistic Adoration in our communites6/3/2018
Pope Francis Corpus Christi homily talks of the Mass, the Eucharist and hunger for God

Pope Francis: We should leave every Mass better than we entered.4/4/2018
Pope Francis said the Eucharist is key to living an authentic Christian witness including Eucharistic worship outside of the Mass.

EWTN's Fr Andrew Apostoli to Speak at PJP2EA Benefit Dinner9/12/2017

The topic will be "The Eucharistic Impact for a New Millennium of Christian Living"

Pope Francis Says Imitate Fatima Saints in Adoration5/13/2017
At the Canonization of Sants Francisco and Jacinta Marta Pope Fransic homily tellls use to imitate them in Eucharistic Adoration

Jericho-Style Eucharistic Procession at Planned Parenthood Draws
Almost 2,000

A powerful, solemn scene unfolded at Planned Parenthood in Stapleton, Colo., as Archbishop Samuel Aquila led some 1,800 Catholics in a Eucharistic procession seven times around the abortion center.

The Holy Eucharist,
Explained in This
Great Cartoon

These Incredible Nuns Haven’t Stopped Eucharistic Adoration
Since 1878

Meet the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, who, through fires, floods, and flu outbreaks, have kept praying before the Eucharist for nearly 140 years!

Giving What Is Holy to Dogs
A lesson learned in front of the Blessed Sacrament

Sitting in our gloriously sunny, tranquil parish adoration chapel, I had just finished underlining a very beautiful section of . . .

Shortage of Priestly Vocations?
Not at This Midwestern Parish

When asked why they thought so many young men from Saints Peter and Paul parish in Naperville, Ill., were priests or seminarians, one person after another affiliated with the parish pointed to the parish’s focus on the Eucharist, including the presence of a perpetual adoration chapel.

Photos of Eucharistic Congress2/4/2016

We have a photo album of our participation at the Eucharistic Congress in the Philippines....

Faithful Catholic Educators Echo Pope’s Words, Build Schools Around the Eucharist2/3/2016

While many Catholic schools can boast about their academics, a truly faithful Catholic education is one that sees the school as centered on the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist...

2020 Eucharistic Congress in Hungary1/3/2016

Moments after Pope Francis made the announcement, Hungary's Catholic Church made it clear that it was looking forward to preparing for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in 2020...

24 Reasons for Spending a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament5/8/2015

Twelve Reasons From The Teachings Of The Church For Wanting To Spend One Hour With Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament and 12 Biblical Reasons

Well Done Good & Faithful Servant!4/17/2015

Cardinal George Diocesan Tribute

"24 Hours for the Lord" to be Implemented in Every Diocese4/12/2015

In the Papal Bull given on the Sunday of Divine Mercy Pope Francis instructed the initiative of “24 Hours for the Lord,” to be celebrated on the Friday and Saturday preceding the Fourth Week of Lent, should be implemented in every diocese.

Increase in Vocations...80% Say Adoration Involved4/10/2015

Eucharistic Adoration is practiced by men entering the seminary

Pope Francis Asked Churches Worldwide to Offer 24-Hour Adoration and Confession3/12/2015

Pope Francis called on every parish around the world to open its doors for 24 hours on Friday and Saturday, March 13-14,2015 so the faithful might encounter Jesus Christ anew in the Sacrament of Confession and Eucharistic Adoration.

10 Signs Christianity Is on the Rise3/9/2015
With a rise in Eucharistic Adoration being Point 4.

Worldwide Eucharistic Adoration Novena for October Synod on the Family Launched 2/1/2015
in response to Pope Francis’ call to the faithful to offer special prayers over the course of this year for the crucial Synod on the Family in October 2015, a worldwide novena of Eucharistic Adoration is being launched to bring the Church, the Pope, the Synod Fathers, and all families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Pope Francis tweets the importance of Eucharistic Adoration10/21/2013

Pope to lead Vatican prayer vigil of Eucharistic Adoration for peace in Syria9/3/2013

Survey shows 62% of Priestly Ordination Class regularly participated in Eucharistic adoration, before entering the seminary4/15/2013

Pope Francis leads worldwide Eucharistic Adoration2/6/2013
Pope Francis led the unprecedented, worldwide event from Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Catholic faithful throughout the world took part in their own Cathedrals and churches, and followed the event on television, radio, and the internet.

Study shows 60% of those entering the religous life participated in Eucharistici Adoration.1/23/2012

Question & Answers About Adoration6/22/2006
Father John Grigus OFM Conv, Spiritual Director of PJP2EA, answers many commonly asked questions about Eucharistic Adoration.

Pope Benedict and the Eucharist4/21/2006

The Eucharist holds a special place in the Holy Father’s theology and in his book on the Eucharist, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, God Is near Us; the Eucharist,the Heart of Life,he lays the ground work for the eucharistic presence in the very first chapter. This article by Fr. Sergius Wroblewski, OFM is a paraphrase of his teaching in chapters one and five.

Propositions from the Synod on the Eucharist10/26/2005

The Pope has allowed the publication, official and non-official, of a provisional version in Italian, on which this working translation is based. As ZENIT publishes them we will consolidate them here.

Pope Dialogues With Children: What are your Memories of First Communion?10/20/2005

A beautiful discussion which Pope Benedict had with First Communicants. The answers he gives are so profound yet simple. I thought this would be of great help to your ministry with Children.

The Laity Will Save the Church: Homily by Bishop Goedert10/15/2005
Homily Bishop Goedert gave at the Chapel Leaders' Gathering which offers great encouragement to the Laity to continue to pray for priests and vocations.

Vatican Web Page Culls Key Eucharist Documents9/10/2005

To help Catholics live the last month of the Year of the Eucharist, the Holy See has made key documents on the sacrament easily accessible on the Vatican Web page.

Find Christ in the Eucharist, Pope tells youth in Cologne8/18/2005

Catholic World News article on the first message of Pope Benedict XVI to the youth in Cologne.

EUCHARIST AS "THANKSGIVING": A tribute to the late, Pope John Paul II 7/14/2005
Father John Grigus gives a tribute to Pope John Paul II in this article from the July/August 2005 Immaculata magazine.

Working Document on the Eucharist7/8/2005
The "instrumentum laboris," or working document, for the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist, to be held in Rome Oct. 2-23, as published by the Holy See.

THE INTERCESSORY POWER OF THE EUCHARIST: Praying for Vocations to the Priesthood and the Consecrated Life 5/14/2005
Father John Grigus the natural tendency for Eucharistic adorers to pray for vocations in this article from April/May 2005 Immaculata magazine.

The Legacy of John Paul II5/1/2005
In a difficult time for the Church and the world, Pope John Paul II carried out his ministry in a way that touched people beyond words.
Written by Francis Cardinal George O.M.I. for Liguourian Magazine's tribute to Pope John Paul II

Knights of Columbus Active Involvment for Year of the Eucharist2/1/2005
In their monthly magazine Columbia Feb issue, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson gives an excellent overview of the Knights involvement in promoting Eucharistic adoration and gives a strong directive to all Knights to take it seriously.

Pope Grants Plenary Indulgence for Year of the Eucharist 1/14/2005
A very important declaration by the Holy Father that enriches the proclamation of the Year of the Eucharist granting indulgences to those who participate

Pope Remembers Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano 11/7/2004
John Paul II called attention to the 8th century miracle in Lanciano, Italy at the beginning of the Year of the Eucharist.

Pope John Paul II Issues Apostolic Letter on the Eucharist,Mane Vobiscum Domine10/7/2004
Papal document on the Eucharist issued at the beginning of the Year of the Eucharist, "Mane Vobiscum Domine" (Please Stay With Us Lord). This is a must read for all of us as it contains significant encouragement for Eucharistic adoration and establishment of chapels of adoration.

Pope John Paul II Declares Year of the Eucharist6/14/2004
Our Holy Father declares October 2004 through October 2005 as the Year of Eucharist. Father John Grigus provides insights in this article from Immaculata magazine. There are number of links to "must read" documents included at the end of this article.

Bishop Perry Issues Letter on Eucharist11/27/2003
The importance of Eucharistic Adoration as a means to invigorate ministries and acts of charity.

New Rules For Taking Communion Issued 7/17/2003
Chicago Sun Times summary article about the first revisions the Vatican has made to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal since 1975.

Neglect of Eucharistic Worship Seen as Compromising Church's Identity6/23/2003
ZENIT article describing the abandonment of Eucharistic adoration and the grave effects it is having on the Church.

Pope John Paul II Issues Encyclical on the Eucharist,Ecclesia de Eucharista4/17/2003
Papal document on the Eucharist issued by Pope John Paul II in which he encourages the faithful to be actively involved in the central mystery of our faith; Mass and Eucharistic Adoration.

Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago
c/o Charles D.Smith
230 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606