john paul

Saint John Paul II

Eucharistic Adoration

Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago

"He walked here in the same flesh, and gave us the same flesh to be eaten unto salvation ... and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring."  St Augustine

Volunteers Needed (Time, Talent & Treasure)

Adoration St Daniel
Can You Help Us?

We are always in need of office supplies, materials for handouts and funds to help our organization meet the cost of printing and mailing of our newsletters, parish resource manuals and brochures. Monetary support is also sought to help defray the cost of our website upgrades and other multimedia needs. Most of all we are also seeking financial assistance to help newly forming chapels within the Archdiocese. Unfortunately, all this costs money; and since we are not subsidized by the Archdiocese we depend on all God’s people to help us through their donations. So please share the blessings in your life by contributing to the Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Those who do will be remembered in our prayers and monthly Mass intentions celebrated by our Episcopal Moderator, Bishop Joseph N. Perry.

If you can help with us some assistance, please call us at:
708-728-0840 or email us at to let us know.

Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association
9000 W. 81th Street
Justice, Illinois 60458

Alternate Forms of Charitable Giving

Appreciated Securities

Appreciated stocks, bonds and other securities may be gifted directly to the Association. Your tax deduction is the same as if you had given cash and is based on the market value of the security given.  By giving the security, you avoid capital gains tax on the transfer to the Association. It is one of the best tax incentives left.

Real estate
Gifts of land, vacation homes and income-producing properties can bring great benefits to the Association. We have to review each proposed gift carefully as sometimes it is not practical for us to accept.

Retirement account
The balance remaining in a retirement account after the owner’s death may be subject to double taxation if it passes to your heirs by being taxed both as income to the heirs and as an estate asset. The result is that over 75% of the account value may go to pay taxes. A better plan may be to designate the Association as the beneficiary of the account and to gift other assets to your family.

Appreciated assets
You may be holding a collection or artwork that you no longer wish to maintain. Such assets may bring great benefit to the Association. We have to review each proposed gift carefully as sometimes it is not practical for us to accept.

Life insurance
If you have no heirs or have an estate that may no longer need the proceeds of a life insurance policy, you could designate the Association as the owner of the policy. Such a gift may produce valuable income and estate tax savings.

Please remember the Association in your will. Bequests can produce estate tax savings. All gifts large and small make a difference in the work of the Association.

If you have any questions or need assistance in implementing an alternate form of gifting, please email us at

Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago
c/o Charles D.Smith
230 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606