john paul

Saint John Paul II

Eucharistic Adoration

Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago

"Turn to the Eucharist. And that Bread which is your God humbling and disguising Himself will teach you humility."  St Cyril of Alexandria

Fortnight for Freedom Mass and Eucharistic Procession 2014
A Mass and Eucharistic procession celebrating the third annual "Fortnight for Freedom" was held on Wed., June 25 at St. Peter's Church in downtown Chicago. Fr. Jim Heyd celebrated the Mass, and Fr. Gerald O'Reilly led the procession to Federal Plaza, where he and participants prayed the rosary for religious freedom

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Procession begins in St. Peter
Procession begins in St. Peter's Church in downtown Chicago
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Fr. Gerald O
Fr. Gerald O'Reilly carries the Monstrance
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Process on Madison Street in downtown Chicago
Process on Madison Street in downtown Chicago
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On the way to Federal Plaza
On the way to Federal Plaza
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Saint John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration Association of the Archdiocese of Chicago
c/o Charles D.Smith
230 West Monroe Street
Chicago, Illinois 60606